Samsung MS-9151 неведомый ЖК-телевизор - оптический привод
Часть 4
1 - Внешний вид телевизора, управление, интерфейсы
2 - Электроника, каждая плата отдельно крупным планом
3 - Плата матрицы, ЖК-матрица LTA197B0H0F, лампы подсветки
4 - DVD привод TD-S208S-65G
В первых трех частях обзора ЖК-телевизора Samsung MS-9151, мы рассмотрели все - его внешность, подробно электронную начинку, матрицу жидкокристаллического дисплея... теперь поговорим об DVD приводе, который как и ЖК-матрица, блок закупаемый на стороне и устанавливаемый без изменений. Точно такие же DVD-приводы присутствуют в куче других устройств и даже бывают в самостоятельной продаже.
Остался только один оптический привод. Это довольно своеобразный привод, со сложным механизмом, не имеющий лотка и втягивающий/выбрасывающий диск подобно тому, как это делает принтер с листом бумаги. Наклейка на оптическом приводе: TD-S208S-65G -B J, кроме того есть желтая наклейка с предупредительными надписями, над ней в металле выбит номер патента, используемого в этом приводе: U.S.Patent №.6,577,580 (механизм загрузки и выгрузки диска, без поднятия и опускания блока с лазером или самого диска). В приводе использовано три электродвигателя: один WT-N30VB-11165 (80822G) - вращает резиновый ролик, который втягивает и выталкивает компакт-диск в приводе, второй двигатель M1N10FB10K (0698ZA) - этот двигатель перемещает каретку с блоком лазера, и третий двигатель - шпиндельный электродвигатель, который вращает сам диск, он маркировки не имеет...
Весь привод изготовлен из довольно таки толстой стали методом штамповки - это с одной стороны вызывает как бы уважение, но с другой стороны... сама целесообразность оптического привода в телевизоре сомнительна, однако существенно сказывается на конечной стоимости продукта. Думается проще и дешевле было бы использовать обычный привод от ноутбука, но выдвигающийся лоток, вставка и извлечение из него диска, сделали б процесс вообще неудобным и с большим риском скорой поломки... В данном приводе, какой установлен в телевизор Samsung MS-9151 такой проблемы нет, но есть проблема быстрого загрязнения DVD-привода...
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Механизм вращения диска, перемещения и позиционирования лазерной головки чтения, в общем-то, стандартный, смонтирован отдельным блоком на литом пластмассовом модуле или каркасе. Он также подвешен внутри привода на поглощающие вибрации резиновые подвески. Управление двигателями осуществляется с внешней платы, на самом приводе всего три платы - со светодиодами и датчиками, они управляют и сигнализируют устройству об нахождении или отсутствии компакт-диска в рабочей области, и платки коммутирующей питание двух двигателей и с концевым выключателем.
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На блоке лазера имеются наклейки с маркировками: C58H031R5GD и 3285308DH.
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На этом заканчиваю описание телевизора Samsung MS-9151, который вряд ли вообще Самсунг, но который имеет место быть и еще в достаточно больших количествах. Как мне говорили мастера-ремонтники, телевизоры под этим именем имеют некоторые различия, иногда несущественные, иногда достаточно серьезные. Я описал то, что мне попалось. Если появится какая-нибудь дополнительная информация, обязательно выложу. И вас, Читателей, прошу: если вы заметите какие-нибудь ошибки и неточности в статье или у вас есть что-нибудь дополняющее этот материал - напишите мне.
Михаил Дмитриенко, Алма-Ата, 2013 г.
Samsung MS-9151 unknown LCD TV - in four parts ...
On the LCD TV Samsung MS-9151 can say one thing - it does not know anybody ... Not that the company Samsung, generally in internet about it, there is no information. Meanwhile, judging by what they say TV repairman - he meets, at least, here in Kazakhstan it is not uncommon any ...
Therefore made a small contribution and describe how we can, TV Samsung MS-9151 true name of which we do not know. Externally, it is a regular LCD monitor, not widescreen, 20-inch, or more precisely 51 centimeters. Pretty heavy. With a glossy glass screen, as with a glossy plastic front panel. At the bottom of TV on the center (under the logo of Samsung), are indicators of the hole at the IR sensor and the connector under Finger jack type mini-jack for headphones. On either side of this are holes, followed by hidden two speakers.
At the top rear of a row of buttons to control the TV without a remote control, this Button: Power - power, TV / AV - mode switching as a TV or monitor, the button Menu - it clear call settings menu, DVD Open - eject the CD optical drive (because it is equipped with a TV and them), then double CH button with the plus and minus - to change channels, one more double click Subscribe Vol and also has a plus and a minus - is the volume control. Last dual buttons also act as Navigation Menu.
On either side of these buttons are barred hole dynamics - but they are empty. The center rear a label from which we actually know the name of the TV, it says: LCD TV / DVD Player / HDD Player Model: MS-9151, Consommation. Data on food (in this TV uses an external power power), but as a native PSU I did not have, because it had to be fed first got enough powerful power supply provides a constant current of 12 volts. Then go on the label with the appropriate warning icons and icons certifications further honestly reported that the TV made in China, and even the telephone are and fax manufacturer ... TEL: 13050388217, FAX: 2173357 - who are interested can call.
Square around labels four screw holes - mount the TV on the wall. On the left side of the label is another niche in which there are the following: Supply voltage connection 12 volts (center plus) standard connector analog signal VGA (D-Sub) - you can connect the computer and use the TV as a monitor, then the input S-Video, three type connector RCA - yellow video input, the next two
Audio-in, followed by two AA-type connector mini-jack - audio input and output, then there is a connector for antenna or cable TV - 75 ohms.
From opposite sides of the TV is the same niche, there are three elements: a USB port for connecting external drives photos, videos, audio files. Next kartriddera slot - card support SD, MMC and MS. Further large gap optical drive - this is a multi-DVD player, which reads: DVD, VCD, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, HDCD, JPEG DVD Plaer Put the printed side back.
External examination of this can be completed. Now take a look inside, and for this it is necessary not only to unscrew a lot powerful enough screws, and compete with snaps. Open the back cover, we see that the plastic housing is strong enough to do - the body is made to last. Disconnecting the halves to us immediately takes off one end of the ... so neatly divided, take out all the connectors and remember their location. Thus, almost all of the electronics are in the compartment shielded steel shell screen on the back wall. The second part of the LCD matrix and a pair of boards ... consider all it carefully.
Summary, motherboard is labeled HC-718-T008 V-1.6, many divorced her, but empty seats seats. On It contains all of the input and output connectors: power connector, VGA, S-Video, RCA and so on. At the input power Pulse is a step-down voltage regulator LM2596S, linear voltage regulator 1084-33, throttle and electrolytic capacitor filters. At a small aluminum heatsink CPU MST718BE-LF, glued radiator pretty hard ... TDA7496L chip has 20 pins and is responsible for the sound - a two channel power amplifier and outputs to 2 watts per channel into 8 ohms. Other chips: Flash Memory EEPROM - 25X20VNIG, another memory chip Serial EEPROM - ATMEL 701 24C16N, multiplexer / demultimpleksor - Switch digital and analog audio signals - HCF4052 EZ63835. The board has several connectors some of them in this TV model is not involved. Reverse side of the board has no items and markings - just signed some Wiring (if attached photos are poorly read, I can upload pictures of larger size with high resolution).
The board is wired tuner QSD-MT-T65, made in China, of course, the same is specified on the cover of the tuner and the website Manufacturers - (where you can easily find a description of this tuner, though short). Leave the cover and look inside. There we see a chip NXP TDA6509ATT (CK5621, TPG08093) - 3-polosy mixer / oscillator and PLL for tuners. Two micro-YX F73801N and YX F93801N. On the reverse side of the board, we see a scattering of tuner parts SMD mounting and single chip NXP TDA9885TS (CM 1443 01, TnG08353) - sound processor.
Fee HC-8202R-00D, as I understand it operates DVD-drive, the control port and USB-kartridderom. Red connector - is to connect the power, it also contains a voltage LM2596S and a small set of capacitors and choke - filter feeding. Almost in the center of the board, a small aluminum heatsink hides processor Sunplus SPHE8202RQ (more correct A / V decoder). Beside him chip RAM Hynix HY57V641620FTP-6. Chip SA5888 - Driver DVD-drive. EON T80-75HCP (184826B 08271DA) - flash memory chip production EON Silicon Solution Inc.
Operational amplifier 4558D (JRC TF81), plays the role of pre-channel audio amplifier. On the reverse side of this card radio components are missing, no markings allowed, only identified pinouts connectors ...
Board labeled HC-8202-CARD-00A has only two empty seats external connectors - USB port and a slot kartriddera. On PCB couple electrolytic capacitor, transistor SS 8550 and a bunch of SMD resistors, capacitors, transistors. One connector for flexible cable. On the reverse side of the board is empty again, no markings, but the connector pinout is present. As there is a sticker that tells that the board took control and that it is made in 2007.
Board marked IV45220B (still have the Chinese character and XS1Y4) - this fee inverter. Designed for matrix LCD backlight lamps. Connector on the motherboard, which must be supplied power (and something else?), In this TV is not engaged, power is supplied by two wires with a small board which I will describe later. At the inlet Power Schottky diode is 10SC6. There are two transformers labeled 077 B682. Chip W356 (or may be W35G), which I found datasheets. Another chip in 2903, it's true LM2903 - dual differential comparators. Another chip TND309 - God knows why ... Chip BD9882F - DC-AC Inverter Control IC. The board's edges are three connectors for connecting the lamp. And on the center of the board space for a large capacitor or ionistor that was or not - is unknown.
On the reverse side of radio, but there are sticker JP060819A ... And there are traces of resin and hand-rations, which would have to be very large electrolyte center board. I would say that this TV
Though I got to enjoy a fairly condition, he was a worker and traces of repairs inside I found, except this is the moment.
Now about that little card, which is the power to charge the inverter. She is attracted to the plate with one screw inverter that way and somehow askew in a hurry, is labeled R40 * 1K and na-control 04 \ 27. And dual MOSFET - GP9435. On board are three power wires from her charge inverter two red ... On the reverse side of the board only incoming trehpinovy connector and nothing more. Fee and other display on the front panel of the monitor is labeled HC-150REM-00A and Mobile: 13714281873. It wired: IR sensor for use with the remote control, tripod LED, minijack connector - to connect headphones. One electrolytic capacitor, a diode and a resistor (two more empty space for resistors). The board three connectors - two extremes are connected to the system (main) board, one in the center - are connected to it two speakers. On the reverse side there is nothing - just a track.
Board manual control settings is marked HC-1900-GNDKEY and her wired only eight buttons and a Only the back of the connector through which it connects to the motherboard. The TV Samsung MS-9151 used two speakers from an unknown manufacturer for 8 ohm and 3 W - here their description
Matrix board is marked: TW10794V-0, then 67B61, and such NEP28-AB0H01, as NCI Electronics Co., Ltd. and again NEP70-AB0H0114, finally, Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd. On board a large number of parts SMD assembly, connector, through which the signal and the power of the board, followed by voltage regulator BA25BC0. Middle board posted big chip NEP45 AB0H0114. Next flash memory chip 24CS02A. Chips 5005 and another IH06505 TL061I (65M C3NC G4). On the reverse side of the board - nothing but track ... Another board from the side of the matrix with markings: NEP28-AB650211, below MDK314V00, then MEIKO AB650211, and even 67BH1.
On the reverse side is the same inscription Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd. and everything - every detail, only tracks and pads on the matrix LCD display ...
Matrix itself has three labels on the aluminum lid: Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd. Made in Japan. LTA197B0H0F, barcode and underneath OSC6H002315. The second label contains the inscription NEL75-AB0H0111 1752A 6H07C1. The third label contains warnings and the respective icons. Top and bottom of the block-matrix LCD backlight are inserted in the aluminum case. They stickers 6H04 T1.
There is only one optical drive. This is a fairly unique drive, with a complex mechanism that does not have the tray and drawing in / eject, just as it does with a sheet of printer paper. Sticker on the optical Drive: TD-S208S-65G-BJ, also has a yellow sticker warning labels on it in the metal stamped patent number, used in the drive: USPatent № .6,577,580 (the mechanism for loading and unloading the disc without raise and lower the unit with a laser or the drive itself). The drive is used three motor: WT-N30VB-11165 (80822G) - rotates the rubber roller that pulls and pushes the CD in the drive, the second engine M1N10FB10K (0698ZA) - this motor moves the carriage with a laser, and a third engine - spindle motor that rotates the disk itself, it has no markings ...
The unit has a laser decal markings: C58H031R5GD and 3285308DH.
This sums up the TV Samsung MS-9151, which is hardly ever the Samsung, but that is the place to be and even in fairly large quantities.
Michael Dmitrienko, Almaty, 2013 |
November 18 2018 17:35:22
November 19 2018 10:27:19