Videocards A&G GeForce 9500GT TC512 Mb DDR3, 128 bits (95GD3 TC512MB)
• Review Videocards Forsa GeForce 9500GT 512 MB DDR3, 128 bit – VER:C
Videocards GF 9500GT in general pertain to budgetary market graphic accelerator, but product from A&G and even more This card is sold in OEM variant - a card in bag and compact disk with driver apart - here is and the whole completing Her(its) cost forms from 55$ approximately, warranty usual - 1.

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Outwardly this usual nothing not notable card: small size, blue colour charge, minimum of the details, aluminum cooler… Though if stare, possible find some particularities. For instance durable capacitors - quite well. The A great deal of the place divorced, but by reason of reducing the price of are not unsoldered - bad. The Chips to memories - Samsung K4J55323QI-BC14 in amount four pieces are unsoldered with one card face only.

Cooler small, aluminum, coated blue bark. Bears up he to card by primitiv way. However between crystal GPU and base cool was discovered full-fledged heatsink compound, and this well since even expensive videocards (and motherboard) with all might use on these purposes repugnant heat conducting. The Ventilator small, much blades, with logotype NVIDIA… To he goes two wires of the feeding and he «l not die» check their own turns.

Although cool and small, but high and occupies the place of the nearby slot. Therefore panel connector also dual slot: one part under connectors, the other has a greater ventilation holes. This plank has fashionable today dark-titanium colour.

From connector have a standard set: one analog D-Sub, one digital DVI and one output S-Video, with support HDTV.
Installyacionnyy disk offers the usual set a driver
Describe the features have a no person of the sense, information on videocards GeForce 9500GT - chip G96 - packed in Internete. Predstavlyu only photo of the program GPU-Z 0.2.8:

Surprises anything? Yes, this volume graphics RAM - 128 Mb… What is wrong, after all clear is said - 512 Mb memories DDR3! We shall Look attentively on chips of the memories, on them marking K4J55323QI-BC14, shall call at on site of the manufacturer. Certainly, Samsung cunning and find necessary information on their site time very in a complicated way, but have found. Now we decipher marking:

К – a memory Samsung
4 – DRAM
55 – Density & Refresh– 256М, 4K/32ms
32 – a volume to memories of the chip – 32 Mb
3 – Banks – 4
Q – voltage SSTL 2 1,8V
I – Revision – 10th Gen.
B – a body of the chip 136 FBGA (without using lead)
C – Temp, Power - Normal
14 – Speed – 1,4 ns (1,4 Gbps)
Clear that each chip to memories on our videocard A&G 95GD3 TC512MB has a volume 32 Mb, together - 128. And all. This real graphics memory. Rest 384 Mb take with air - from system memory… Technology Turbo Cache. In the best tradition crook and swindler! And «glorious» company A&G about this naturally did not utter and word. The Card OEM, boxes and manuals no. The Seller, as this most often can be not in course of the deal (the silt do the type that not in course) - Yes, in sale there is and box packed version, so here is and on her no mentionings about real amount of the memories!

Box version
Naturally, these miserable 128 Mb with miserable 128 bits can only imitate normal work, in play particularly. The Test in 3DMark'06 gave here is such miserable results:

This A&G 95GD3 TC512MB lags behind from old-time card GeForce8600GT 256 Mb, DDR3 production same Colorful… or from J&W GeForce 8600GT 256 Mb...
The Findings. Understandable that after such «cheating of» good impressions A&G 95GD3 TC512MB has not left. But all, work she works, is wholly corrected pulls all plays games, truth of the adjustment distant from maximum.
Buy such card for 50 $ approximately or take full-fledged, but with overpayment in 8-10 $ - solve you…
Can say one - ATTENTION! Wake attentive when buying like card and not are particularly entrusted that that is written on box or sticker on most videocards. In the same way do not believe blindly merchant - far from all of them competent or honest. If even sites-manufacturer are cunning that to wait from other?
• Review Videocards Forsa GeForce 9500GT 512 MB DDR3, 128 bit – VER:C
Miсhail Dmitrienko, 2009, Almaty |