June 30 2024 03:06:31
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Siberian Mouse and others

Who is Masha Bobko and the Siberian Mice?


Even people far from this topic have repeatedly come across the name Masha Bobko (a variant of the surname Babko, also appears) on the Internet... There are some hints and understatement. Sometimes we even see the “Siberian mouse Masha Bobko” style... Sometimes we are offered to pay money and get all her photos and videos...


Masha Bobko or Babko and the Siberian Mouse studio, how was it?


Well, those who are in the know grin lustfully and are not averse to taking advantage of the opportunity... For us, this is just gossip, or an instructive story from life. But is it instructive? Meanwhile, behind this there are broken destinies!


Siberian Mouse


The business of pedophiles is not a new thing and, as it turns out, is very common and profitable. For example, quite recently (20-25 years ago), a huge scandal broke out in Belgium related to a brothel with little girls... the services of this establishment were used by the most prominent people of the state - ministers, senior officials, large businessmen... he also served all of Europe... The case was successfully hushed up, the evidence was destroyed, the lower-ranking defendants were eliminated (they say it was an accident), high-ranking officials quietly but honorably resigned... where the children went - no one knows.


Well, this Case, it was in Novosibirsk... “Uncle Seryozha” - that’s what Masha Bobko called photographer Sergei Kropochkin, who in 2001 organized the child porn studio 1st studio Siberian Mouse.


He was probably a good psychologist and skillfully involved young girls, aged 10 to 15, in his affairs. I took photos and videos, usually starting innocently - dressed, then in a swimsuit, then more and more naked. There were scenes in the nude style, and then explicit porn. Sometimes he himself participated in these scenes when the customers wanted it.


He sold his materials abroad - to Europe; the exact amounts he received are unknown. They talk about $500 for a one-time order... but the amounts were probably much higher. He paid the girls much less and in rubles. Masha Bobko, his faithful and most sought-after fashion model, received 10 thousand rubles only once... usually her fees were much more modest, and for others even less.


Everything is by agreement!


Such a successful career as a photographer lasted 10 years; in 2011, he was arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison. Of course, this is a well-deserved punishment, and one can even say that he got off easy... in a couple of years he will be released...


However, this case raised a lot of questions that remained unanswered. He was tried on 145 episodes, although there were more than 500 victims in total... Most of them (themselves and their parents) refused to participate in the investigation. They did not write any statements, and all data about them is photo and video materials from an extensive “collection” that was found and confiscated by the investigative authorities.


Only a few of the girls actively cooperated with the investigation, and their role also raises questions. At the trial, “Uncle Seryozha” tried to emphasize that there was no violence, but everything was “consensual”, and that he himself was “not a pedophile at all - just business, nothing personal”... however, this does not matter. And the voluntary participation of girls does not in any way justify this molester.


Many girls literally fought for a place in front of his lens. The main contingent of these “photo models” are girls from disadvantaged families... Did parents know about this trade for their children, did other adults know? It’s quite possible, although everyone now prefers to keep quiet about it. But let’s remember the story of the same girls in Ukraine, in their numerous “model agencies”, such as LS Magazine, Ukrainian Angels, Ukrainian Nymphets - about which one of the “stars” Dasha or Maya Poprotskaya spoke. These studios existed (and now exist) quite legally; she, like other girls, was brought to the shooting by her own mother (although they were not marginalized or alcoholics). Mom wanted a stellar destiny as a fashion model for her daughter. But when they offered “nudity”, they didn’t think long - they quickly agreed... and a new “fun” life began, which paid well, by Ukrainian standards.


Probably, parents brought their girls to the Novosibirsk photographer - who knows?!


What did law enforcement agencies do?


There is a question - what have Russian law enforcement agencies been doing all this time? The Internet was littered with photos and videos of Siberian mice, they speak Russian there, and one could expect that the police would investigate this case and actively look for the villain. Nothing happened! A case was opened and Sergei Kropochkin was arrested based on a statement from the parents of one of the victims, and it was from that moment that the CASE was opened. And before that? Don't ask - there will be no answers!


It is quite likely that today, someone somewhere is engaged in this same profitable business; the Darknet has become a breeding ground for all kinds of infection! Uncle Seryozha is under the bunk in the rooster corner, Masha Bobko has long been an adult, like everyone else... but the business is still spinning and someone there is still making good money from them, but now in bitcoins! This is probably in the hands of unknown foreigners... Or maybe it is in the hands of Sergei Kropochkin’s relatives - after all, his wife and other relatives long ago moved to live in Europe, in Paris... when their “breadwinner” was still free and well supported, there they bought good housing, and so on. Their role in this matter is also not clear, they limited themselves to a formal question, the answer to which is obvious...


What should we do and what conclusions should we draw from all this? In Kazakhstan, with alarming frequency, news reports appear about child rapists - there are more pedophiles than there are fleas on a stray dog! They are caught and imprisoned, but they never run out!


A new qualitative approach is clearly needed, not only in terms of toughening punishment, and the proper education of younger generations. It is this complex that should ultimately lead to success in the fight against this social evil.


Postscript: Today Maria Bobko has a boyfriend, but her activities on social networks give rise to sad reflections. She willingly gives interviews where she talks about how she was cruelly used, but at the same time does not condemn Uncle Seryozha - she herself, they say, was stupid, and everything was all by that same “mutual agreement”... she easily and simply jumps from one to something else... Other victims avoid talking about it and try to erase all this from their biography. Maya Poprocka, on the contrary, remembers those times with obvious nostalgia... Whatever it was, this is not a normal phenomenon. This, in addition to being a criminal offense, is also moral corruption.


Good luck to all of us!


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