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Windows XP Pirated Edition

Speech does not go about sea highwayman, nor about merchant by illegal goods


Immediately warn the article without references (well, nearly). Somehow much in network was scattered correct site, placing beside itself different files (moreover in excellent quality), but herewith writing, something like this: All files on given put are intended for familiarization. All right belongs to the author . Aha, presently! Here is download, once got acquainted and deleted!


Well, as possible spend the traffic on that afterwards delete! Not, I understand if beside us and the price, and facilities will as beside them there, but so fire. However, I think and so all understand that given phrase whole only trick to have not closed. On the other hand, all these sites little differ the friend from friend in plan of the contents (well, for very rare exception).


But hereon, I not to wonder that similar sites in Kazakhstan and in general legalized.


Here is in Russia even its pirate party appeared (this if take C.I.S.). А beside us that? We while and without party quite well to live, not much-that and жмут our pirate (the salesmen disk not in count).


At the end to want, bring manifesto of russian pirate party (I their glances, as a whole, separate;share and understand):

Russian Pirate Party tries to reform radically the copyright, revise patent legislation and create the strong warranties of observance of the rights of the people on inviolability quotient to lifes.


The History of the copyright counts already hundreds of the years and is found under constant attack lawyer, which use the uncertainty of the law. The Creative potential one, wants to work to advantage society and within law пребывает in inaction.

But not only copyright needs for reform. The Patents hold up the research progress in digital era, allowing monopolize the methods and practical persons. A Hundreds of a thousands patent prescribed on regiment and are not used.


The Law, which дозволяет this is not than other as travesty and crimes against inventors and future generations.


Our Party tries to put an end such position of the deals. We have elected the name Pirate since we want give deservedly respects творцам - a scientist, writer, artist and musician, who if they presently created, were known as pirates and violators of the copyright. We do not support and do not pander the nor what to illegal spreading protected by copyrights of the functioning.


The Author: Alexander Salenko



From editing WASP:


The Subject Pirate soft (yes and in general ostensibly forgeries all sort and type) размусоливается in Internete and in all other mass media on different harmonies... But alas, in most cases we present (but on essences obtrude) standpoint one sides - a Legal owner (that not one and ditto, as Author). So pleasantly meet the sane thoughts another, alternative sides.

Well or bad piracy - other question. It there is and with him it is impossible be not considered. But dialogue better addle-brained of the attack!

The Last to сведенью any there Bilov Geytsov and candidate in such...


This material translated russian to english language by means of program!



Михаил Дмитриенко

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